Professional Report
The brief descriptions of the statutes will serve as a quick reference as you use one of the commercially published legal guides to school law to find the full text of the statute. However, in no case is the brief summary in the middle column a substitute for the advice of competent legal counsel.
For the purposes of this section, the term board of education also includes the governing board of an educational service center, except where noted.
All references in the far right column are to the Ohio Revised Code unless otherwise noted (e.g., OAG refers to opinions of the Ohio Attorney General; OAC refers to the Ohio Administrative Code).
5709.40 5709.41 5709.73 5709.78
Any legislative authority that enters into a tax increment financing (TIF) hold harmless or payment in lieu of taxes (PILOT) agreement to compensate a school district for foregone tax revenue must equally compensate the appropriate joint vocational school district.
The same is true for the owner of property that enters into TIF agreements or a PILOT.
The required notice to the JVSD is now 45 days before adopting the TIF resolution if the school district received a 45-day notice.
Boards of education must adopt written policy to notify a student’s parent(s) “within a reasonable time” if it is determined that the child is absent from school. The parent is required to provide a current address and a telephone number at which the parents can receive notice of the student’s absence. No board of education can withhold the records of any student for whom a complaint has been filed at any time with a juvenile court alleging that the child is abused, neglected, or dependent or if the child has been adjudicated as abused, neglected, or dependent. The district responsible for sending the records may request a copy of the court order regarding the child’s custody or placement but may not withhold the student’s records pending receipt of that copy. An academic distress commission shall be appointed by the superintendent of public instruction for each school district that receives an overall grade of “F” on the state report card for three consecutive years. In addition, a new academic distress commission will replace an existing commission in any district which has been in academic distress for more than four years, as of October 15, 2015. The commission serves primarily in an advisory, rather than direct leadership role. Each commission is required to appoint a chief executive officer (CEO) who then has “complete operational, managerial, and instructional control” of the district. Progressive consequences for districts remaining subject to the academic distress commission include possible changes to collective bargaining agreements and the appointment of the board of education by the mayor of the community. In addition to the authority to close or reconstitute schools, the CEO would also have additional powers and duties including, but not limited to: (1) Replacing school administrators and central office staff;
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