Professional Report


3302.06 et seq

School districts can designate a single school as an innovation school or a group of schools as an intervention zone for the purpose of implementing an innovation plan to improve student academic performance. Such a designation requires the consent of a majority of the teachers and a majority of the administrators. The state board of education is required to approve the application unless it finds that the plan is financially unfeasible or likely will results in reduced student achievement. The state board would also be required to waive any education laws or administrative rules for the innovation school or zone, except for laws and rules related to: 1)school district funding;

2)services for disabled or gifted students; 3)provision of career-technical education; 4)state achievement assessments; 5)district and building report cards; 6)sanctions under the No Child Left Behind Act; 7)education data reporting; 8)criminal records checks; and 9)contributions to retirement systems.

The innovation schools and zones could waive provisions of a collective bargaining agreement if at least 60% of the members of the bargaining units in the participating school approve the waiver. School districts would be required to review each innovation school and innovation zone every three years and revoke the designation if the participating schools are not making sufficient improvements in student achievement. The board of education and other political subdivisions are prohibited from taxing property more than 10 mills for each dollar of valuation in any one year without the consent of the voters. These are normally called unvoted, or inside, millage. Each principal shall cooperate with the appropriate board of health in providing access for safety and sanitary inspections at least once each year. Board shall develop for the local board of health a plan for abatement of conditions “determined to be hazardous to occupants.” This requirement also applies to community schools. The abatement shall include a schedule for completion of the abatement of conditions determined through the inspection to be hazardous to occupants of the building. For a quick reference guide to the scope of the inspections and recommended abatements for certain conditions, please see Appendix O. While a district board of education is the sole authority in determining and selecting textbooks, reading lists, instructional materials, and academic curriculum for its schools, boards are also required to establish a parental advisory committee (or another method of review) for parents to review the selection of textbooks and reading lists, instructional materials, and the “academic curriculum” used in the Repealed









3313.21 3313.212

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