Professional Report

assessments or below proficient on state third grade exam (C must equal a value not lower than the statewide average for this measure). Also reported but not graded are: percentage of students in Advanced Placement (AP) classes and percentage of those students receiving a score of 3 or high on AP exams; percentage of students earning at least 3 college credits through advanced standing programs or through career-technical dual enrollment or articulated credit; percentage of students taking a college entrance examination and percentage of those students determined to be remediation-free; percentage of students earning industry credential; percentage of students in international baccalaureate (IB) and percentage of those students receiving a score of 4 or better on IB examinations; percentage of students earning an honors diploma; and results of college and career-ready assessments.

There will be no overall letter grade assigned for the 2014-2015 school year.

By July 1, 2015, the state board must develop a measure of student academic progress for high school students using only data from assessments in English language arts and mathematics. This measure is to be included on the 2014-2015 report card – but without an assigned letter grade. However, a letter grade will be assigned for the 2015-2016 report card and will be included in calculating the overall letter grade for the building or district.

The letter grades are to be assigned as follows:

A for a district or school making excellent progress; B for a district or school making above average progress; C for a district or school making average progress; D for a district or school making below average progress; F for a district or school failing to meet minimum progress.

For ”high mobility” schools and districts, there is an additional graded value-added progress dimension determined using the value-added data from the most recent school year available and assessment scores for only those students to whom the district/building administered assessments for each of the two most recent consecutive school years. The additional value-added progress dimension grade for a high mobility school or district is exempted from the computation of the overall letter grade. (See MOBILITY SCHOOL DISTRICTS, HIGH above.) All state and local agencies including school districts that deposit information with a data processing center for storage, processing, or dissemination shall file notice of the system with the Ohio Personal Information Control Board. Detailed requirements and penalties are included in Chapter 1347. If school district personnel become aware of a breach of security within its computer system that could lead to identity theft, it has a duty to notify individuals whose personal information may have been compromised. The type of notice depends upon the number of stolen records and on the cost of providing the notice. Boards of education are required to adopt rules “entitling” personal leave for non-teaching employees. While ORC 3319.142 does not specifically mention licensed employees, it has generally been interpreted that ORC 124.39 extends this benefit to those with licenses.


1347.01 to 1347.10




3319.142 124.386

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