Professional Report
not accurate.
Each administrator is also required to conduct at least one annual emergency management test (defined as “a regularly scheduled drill, exercise, or activity designed to assess and evaluate an emergency management plan”). Local law enforcement, the fire department, emergency medical organization, and the county emergency management agency are to afforded access to the school for training purposes but outside of regular school hours. The building administrator must be present during such training sessions. Any administrator who is an applicant for a license or who holds a license from the State Board of Education is subject to disciplinary action related to licensure if the administrator fails to comply with the requirements related to such plans. (The state superintendent can exempt an administrator from the emergency management plan requirements if the requirements do not apply to the schools under the control of the administrator.) A board of education shall annually “cause notice to be given” not later than July 1 the salary to be paid to each teacher during the next school year. A board of education shall “cause notice to be given” not later than the first day of July to each non-teaching school employee who is not covered by civil service laws and who holds a contract for the succeeding year as to the salary the employee is to receive during the coming year. A board of education shall annually adopt a teachers’ salary schedule based on training and experience. A board of education may establish its own service requirements for placement on the salary schedule so long as it: 1) grants at least up to five years for actual teaching in a chartered school and/or military service; and 2) provides a salary which is equal to or greater than the state minimum salary schedule, as provided in ORC 3317.13. A district participating in the federal Race to the Top (RttT) program shall comply with the timeline in its approved scope of work in developing a performance based salary schedule. All other districts may develop such a performance based system if they wish. The performance based salary shall measure a teacher’s performance by considering all of the following: the level of licensure; the teacher’s designation as a highly qualified teacher; and the ratings received by the teacher on performance evaluations. Also, the performance based salary schedule shall provide for annual adjustments based on performance evaluations. The annual performance based adjustment for a teacher rated as “accomplished” must be greater than for a teacher rated as “skilled.”
All districts not implementing a performance based salary schedule must comply with Ohio law regarding the state minimum salary schedule.
A salary schedule may provide for additional compensation for additional duties (not contracted for under a supplemental contract) if the board determines such duties merit additional compensation. Those duties may include, but are not limited to: assignment to a school building
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