(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
INTERSTATE COMPACT FOR JUVENILES (OELSLAGER S) To ratify, enact into law, and enter into as a party the Interstate Compact for Juveniles; to provide for certain entities and officials and assign certain responsibilities that relate to that Compact; repeal current Compact; emergency.
Current Status: 6/30/2011 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR; Eff. 6/30/2011
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 2151.312, 2151.354, 2151.56, 2151.57, 2151.58, 2151.59, 2152.26
SB127 SCHOOL BULLYING POLICIES (SCHIAVONI J) To enact the "Jessica Logan Act" to require that public school bullying policies prohibit bullying by electronic means and address certain acts that occur off school property and to require staff training on the bullying policy.
Current Status: 12/6/2011 - Senate Education, (Fourth Hearing)
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 3313.666, 3313.667, 3319.073
SB128 SPECIAL EDUCATION SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM (FABER K) To replace the Educational Choice and the Cleveland Scholarship programs with the Parental Choice and Taxpayer Savings Scholarship Program and to establish the Special Educational Scholarship Program.
Current Status: 3/23/2011 - Referred to Committee Senate Education
Comments: None
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