(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
ORC Sections: 109.57, 109.572, 3301.0714, 3310.01, 3310.02, 3310.03, 3310.04, 3310.05, 3310.06, 3310.07, 3310.08, 3310.09, 3310.10, 3310.11, 3310.12, 3310.13, 3310.14, 3310.15, 3310.16, 3310.17, 3310.18, 3310.51, 3310.52, 3310.521, 3310.53, 3310.54, 3310.55, 3310.56, 3310.57, 3310.58, 3310.59, 3310.60, 3310.61, 3310.62, 3310.63, 3310.64, 3317.03, 3323.052, 4776.01, 5727.84 SB139 PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYER ORGANIZATION LAW (HUGHES J) To establish financial capacity requirements for professional employer organizations, clarify rights and liabilities of professional employer organizations and client employers/make changes to professional employer organization law.
Current Status: 12/20/2012 - SIGNED BY GOVERNOR
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 4123.291, 4125.01, 4125.02, 4125.03, 4125.041, 4125.042, 4125.05, 4125.051, 4125.07, 4125.08, 4125.10, 4125.11, 4141.24, 5747.07 SB146 TAX CREDIT FOR TEACHERS-INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS (SCHAFFER T) To allow a credit against the personal income tax for amounts spent by teachers for instructional materials.
Current Status: 6/23/2011 - Senate Ways & Means & Economic Development, (Second Hearing)
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 5747.08, 5747.98
SB148 ELECTION LAW (WAGONER M) To revise the Election Law.
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