(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
School Facilities Program.
Current Status: 5/17/2011 - Referred to Committee Senate Education
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 109.57, 3313.61, 3317.03, 3318.60, 3319.31, 3319.311, 3328.01, 3328.02, 3328.03, 3328.04, 3328.11, 3328.12, 3328.13, 3328.14, 3328.15, 3328.17, 3328.18, 3328.19, 3328.191, 3328.192, 3328.193, 3328.20, 3328.21, 3328.22, 3328.23, 3328.24, 3328.25, 3328.26, 3328.31, 3328.32, 3328.33, 3328.34, 3328.35, 3328.36, 3328.41, 3328.45, 3328.50, 3328.99, 4117.01 SB173 POLITICAL SUBDIVISION - PUBLIC MONEYS (HUGHES J) To permit a political subdivision, upon the deposit of public moneys with an eligible public depository, to arrange for the public depository to redeposit those moneys with other federally funded banks and savings and loans.
Current Status: 9/14/2011 - SUBSTITUTE BILL ACCEPTED & REPORTED OUT, Senate Financial Institutions, (Third Hearing)
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 135.13, 135.144, 135.145, 135.18, 135.353, 135.354, 135.37
SB174 ADVERTISING ON SCHOOL BUSES (SCHIAVONI J) To authorize school districts to sell commercial advertising space on school buses.
Current Status: 12/6/2011 - Senate Finance, (First Hearing)
Comments: None
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