(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
ORC Sections: 3327.20, 4511.76, 4511.761
SB175 COMMUNITY SCHOOLS (SCHIAVONI J) To generally prohibit a community school from admitting a student from the school district in which it is located if the student's district school has a better performance rating than the community school.
Current Status: 9/27/2011 - Senate Education, (Second Hearing)
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 3314.06, 3314.062
SB177 FEDERAL SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT GRANT MONEYS (TURNER N) To require public high schools that receive federal school improvement grant moneys to establish student advisory committees.
Current Status: 9/27/2011 - Senate Education, (Second Hearing)
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 3302.042, 3314.03, 3326.11
SB178 PUBLIC RECORDS RETENTION (SEITZ B, WILSON J) To limit the forfeiture amount and attorney's fees a person may recover for the unlawful destruction/disposal of a record of a public office, establish a four-year statute of limitations for commencement of a civil action for relief.
Current Status: 6/2/2011 - Referred to Committee Senate Judiciary - Civil Justice
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