(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
ORC Sections: 117.201
SB364 LOCAL GOVERNMENT FUND-SHARE ALLOCATION (SEITZ B) To establish a new default formula for determining the share allocated to each subdivision from a county's Local Government Fund distribution.
Current Status: 12/11/2012 - Senate Finance, (Second Hearing)
Comments: None
ORC Sections: None
SB366 ABSENT VOTER'S BALLOT AVAILABILITY (TURNER N) To establish minimum hours during which absent voter's ballot must be available for use in person and to declare an emergency.
Current Status: 11/14/2012 - Referred to Committee Senate Government Oversight & Reform
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 3509.01, 3509.03, 3511.02, 3511.10
SB372 SUMMER MEAL PROGRAMS (BROWN E) To require school districts to allow alternative summer meal sponsors to use school facilities to provide food service for summer intervention services regardless of financial reasons if at least half of the students are eligible for free lunches.
Current Status:
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