(LG) 2011-2012 House and Senate Bills
11/14/2012 - Referred to Committee Senate Education
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 3313.813, 3327.18, 3715.52, 3717.22, 3717.42, 3717.60, 5104.051
SB375 FOOD SERVICE EMPLOYEES-HEIMLICH MANEUVER (TAVARES C) To require that employees of food service operations be trained in performing the Heimlich maneuver.
Current Status: 11/14/2012 - Referred to Committee Senate Health, Human Services & Aging
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 3717.56
SB377 TAX LEVIES-BUDGETS (SEITZ B) To permit a county budget commission to authorize voluntary audits of county offices and make nonbinding recommendations regarding proposed county tax levies and budgets.
Current Status: 11/14/2012 - Referred to Committee Senate Ways & Means & Economic Development
Comments: None
ORC Sections: 319.70, 325.31, 5705.271, 5705.30
SB381 MENTAL HEALTH INSURANCE PARITY LAW (SEITZ B) To include pervasive developmental disorders in the mental health insurance parity law.
Current Status:
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