2015 Golf Outing Registration
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It’s that time again! Summer is right around the corner, and that means it’s time for the 2015 BASA Golf Outing !
This year’s outing will be held on Monday, June 8, 2015 at the Royal American Links Golf Course (3300 Miller-Paul Road, Galena, Ohio 43021). Start time is 9:30 am! Registration fee is $50/per player . This fee includes your game, golf cart, lunch and refreshments.
Come join BASA and your colleagues for a day out of the office and onto the course!
Longest Drive Contest (Front 9 & Back 9 Winners!)
Longest Putt Contest (Front 9 & Back 9 Winners!)
Closest to the Pin Contest (Front 9 & Back 9 Winners!)
Lowest Team Score
Highest Team Score
Plus Door Prizes!!
June 8, 2015 Royal American Links Golf Course Register Now!
Please complete the form below and return to BASA by Mail at 8050 North High Street, Suite 150, Columbus, OH 43235 or Fax to 614-846-4081; or Register on-line at www.basa-ohio.org .
Name: _____________________________________________________________________
District/Organization: _________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip : ______________________________________________________________
Phone: _________-_________-_________
Fax: _________-_________-_________
Email: ______________________________________________________________________
Fee: $50/per person *Please note that we will NOT be accepting payment at the course this year. Please pay in advance by mailing a check or paying with a credit card; or you may choose to be invoiced* □ Please Send an Invoice □ Check Enclosed (Payable to BASA) □ Credit Card Number : _______________________________________________
□ Visa □ Master Card
Expiration Date : ______/_________ 3-Digit Security Code : _______ _
Name as it appears on card : ___________________________________
Organization/School District
Phone #
Player 1
Player 2
Player 3
Player 4
Get your company’s name in front of Ohio’s educators at the on
This year’s outing will be held on Monday, June 8, 2015 at the Royal American Links Golf Course in Galena, Ohio with a 9:30 am start time . We would like to offer you the excellent opportunity to sponsor (and/or donate to) this event! Please find a list of available sponsorship opportunities on the reverse side. Please complete the form below, indicate your sponsorship preference on the back of this form and return to BASA no later than May 29, 2015 ( Email to Kathryn Williams at williams@basa-ohio.org ; Fax to 614-846-4081 ; or mail to BASA 8050 North High Street, Suite 150, Columbus, OH 43235 - Please mail form to arrive no later than May 29, 2015 )
Company Name: ____________________________________________________________
Contact Name: _____________________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________________________
City/State/Zip: _____________________________________________________________
Phone: _________-_________-_________
Fax: _________-_________-_________
Email: ____________________________________________________________________
Website: ___________________________________________________________________
Total Due (from other side): $_________________ □ Please Invoice Me
□ Check enclosed (payable to BASA)
Sponsorship Opportunities Available!
In exchange for your sponsorship, your company’s name will be listed in the program acknowledging your donation. If you choose to sponsor a hole, signage with your company’s name will be placed on the green. This is an excellent opportunity to get your company or organization’s name out to a specific group of BASA members! We also encourage you to form a team and play along! Registration information will be coming soon!
Below is a list of available sponsorship opportunities. Please indicate your sponsorship preference below:
□ Refreshment Sponsor □ Lunch Sponsor □ Golf Ball Sponsor
Cost of Beverages will be invoiced.
$500 Payment to BASA
$100 payment to BASA + 100 sleeves of golf balls (w/your company logo, if you desire) $100 payment to BASA + Prize for the Winner $100 payment to BASA + Prize for the Winner $100 payment to BASA + Prize for the Winner $100 payment to BASA + Prize for the Winner $100 payment to BASA + Prize for the Winner $100 payment to BASA + Prize for the Winner $100 payment to BASA + Prizes for the Winners (4) $100 payment to BASA + Prizes for the Winners (4)
□ Front 9: Longest Drive □ Back 9: Longest Drive □ Front 9: Longest Putt □ Back 9: Longest Putt □ Front 9: Closest to the Pin □ Back 9: Closest to the Pin
□ Lowest Team Score □ Highest Team Score □ Hole Sponsorship
$100 payment to BASA
Hole # _______
(Holes 1-18 Available; Please Indicate Hole #)
My company wishes to donate the following item(s) as door prizes for the raffle drawing:
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