2015 Spec Ed Issues Flyer & Registration
Animated publication
Who Should Attend?
Superintendents Assistant Superintendents Pupil Personnel SST Directors/Staff Building Principals Special Education Directors ** Bring a TEAM!**
This program is specifically designed to focus on Management and Leadership issues for Superintendents and Administrators directly involved with Special Education. Our pre- senters are Susan Geary, Laura Anthony and Melissa Bondy, attorneys with the law firm of Bricker & Eckler LLP. Updates on Federal and State legislation impacting special education, including the Budget Bill Updates on new information from ODE Other Hot topics in special education MORE! Register NOW to secure your place! (Registering more than one? Run a copy and fill in your info—mail/fax Today, or Register Online at: http://www.basa-ohio.org Topics will include:
Phone Fax
PO #
_____ $179.00 First BASA Member Registration
_____ $125.00 Each additional person from district
_____ $209.00 First Non-Member Registration
_____ $159.00 Each additional person from district
$___________ Total Amount Due
Cancellation/Refund Policy: Refunds or cr edits will be given only for cancellations made in writing (mail or fax) and received by the BASA office up to 5 business days prior to the seminar date. Cancellations received after 5 business days prior to the seminar date may receive a refund, less a 50% seminar fee to cover meal/administrative costs. No refunds will be given for "no-shows."
Mail or Fax Registration to:
BASA 8050 North High Street, Suite 150 Columbus, OH 43235-6486 Phone: 614-846-4080 Fax: 614-846-4081
Register Online at: http://www.basa-ohio.org
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