BASA Events Update 11.27.19

Please make checks payable to Ohio School Resource Officers Association 6277 Riverside Dr., Dublin, Ohio 43017 Fax: 614-761-9509

2020 School Resource & D.A.R.E. Officer Conference

Monday - Wednesday – June 29-July 1, 2020 Kalahari Resort & Conference Center- 7000 Kalahari Dr., Sandusky, Ohio 44870

Please complete and return the registration form by fax 614-761-9509, US Mail or email to

Very important: If you have not received a confirmation letter after seven business days, please call our office at 614-718-3210. You are not registered until you received a confirmation from the OSROA office.

Today’s date:

Registrant’s name and title:

For law enforcement registrants : Are you: SRO_____ D.A.R.E._____ Both_______ Are you retiring in 2020? ________

PD or SO Name:

Mailing Address:_______________________________ ____________________________________________ County:______________________________________ Purchase Order # (if applicable):__________________ Registrant’s email address : ____________________________________________ Send invoice to this email address : ____________________________________________ Option 1: Bringing family/guest who will pay for and eat meals on their own ____ (check to select) Option 2: Bringing family/guest who will pay for and eat meals with the conference attendees ( pre-pay by June 12 ) For Option 2 Only : Name(s) of children (ages 4 thru 12) for meals @ $122 per child: ___________________________ __________________________ Guest Meal Packages Options

Contact phone number:

No lodging, meals only- $325:


Single Occupancy- $600:


(Includes four wristbands to the water park)

*Double Occupancy- $505 each: Yes____ (Includes a wristband for each to the water park) * With another paying registrant- Both must register at the same time and complete a separate registration form each *If Double Occupancy, 2 nd registrants name: __________________________________

___________________________ __________________________

Name(s) of adult guest for meals @ $182 per person:

_______________________________ ____________________________

Please note: -Registrations must be received by May 22, 2020 to avoid a $25 late fee.

-No registrations accepted after June 15. Meal counts and details are finalized between OSROA and Kalahari on June 15 and cannot be changed . -Cancellations must be received no later than June 15, 2020 . OSROA is financially committed to Kalahari for all rooms on this date and no refunds will be issued.

Direct questions or changes to OSROA not Kalahari Conference Center .

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