BASA Events Update 12.14.18
Upcoming Events December 14, 2018
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 2.............BASA Regional Meetings (Jan. 7, 8, 9, 10, 11) 4.............The Changing Landscape for Passing School Tax Issues (Jan. 15) 6.............Employee Discipline, Module #2 (Jan. 23, 24, 25) 8.............OASSA Aspiring Administrators Conference (Jan. 24) 10...........Ohio Advanced Placement Success Summit (Jan. 29) 12...........BASA/OASBO Team Collaboration: Finance, Facilities, & Safety Conference (Feb. 19-20) 13...........Crucial Conversations (Mar. 7-8) 14...........BASA Celebrating Women in Leadership Conference (Mar. 18-19) 15...........OSROA Training (Multiple Dates)
Join us for the
January Regional Meetings
Meeting Agenda
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Registration & Continental Breakfast
Ohio Department of Education Updaate John Richard, Deputy Superintendent
9:00 am - 10:00 am
10:00 am - 10:15 am
10:15 am - 10:45 am How to Communicate District Priorities Allerton Hill Consulting 10:45 am - 11:15 am School Safety or Compliance? What are we trying to accomplish? Public School Works 11:15 am - 11:30 am FinalForms + ProgressBook DASL: Ohio’s powerhouses integrate. Learn more. FinalForms 11:30 am - 12:00 pm BASA Update BASA Staff
Dates & Locations
January 7, 2019
8:30 am - 12:00 pm January 8, 2019
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
BASA 8050 N. High Street, Suite 150 Columbus, OH 43235 (614) 846-4080
R.G. Drage Career & Tech 2800 Richville Dr SW Massillon, OH 44646 (330) 832-9856 Wood County ESC 1867 North Research Drive Bowling Green, OH 43402 (419) 354-9010
January 9, 2019
8:30 am - 12:00 pm January 10, 2019
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Hamilton County ESC 11083 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45231 (513) 674-4251
January 11, 2019 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Breakfast Sponsored by:
Register @ -OR- Fax to (614) 846-4081 -OR- Email to
Logan Hocking High School 14470 State Route 328 Logan, OH 43138 (740) 385-8157
January Regional Meetings REGISTER NOW!
Registration Options: Online @ Mail to: BASA 8050 N. High St., Suite 150, Columbus, OH 43235 Email Vanessa Gabriele: or Denise Hall: FAX: (614) 846-4081
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #:
Fax #:
Please check the day you will attend: January 7, 2019 (BASA)
Breakfast Sponsored by:
January 8, 2019 (R.G. Drage Career & Tech)
January 9, 2019 (Hamilton County ESC)
January 10, 2019 (Wood County ESC)
January 11, 2019 (Logan Hocking High School)
NOTE: There is no fee to attend a meeting. Cancellations If you are unable to attend a meeting and you have already sent in a registration form, please email Vanessa Gabriele at to cancel your reservation. Additional Information Participants in BASA workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Participants should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Questions? For additional information, contact BASA at (614)-846-4080.
The Changing Landscape for Passing School Tax Issues
How You Can Utilize the Power of Public Engagement to Maintain Community Support for Your Schools
January 15, 2019 BASA Conference Room
* Agenda *
8:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m.
Registration/Continental Breakfast
9:00 a.m. - 9:30 a.m.
Welcome and Self-Introductions
9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m.
Insights from the Kettering Foundation
10:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Emerging Challenges and Opportunities
11:30 a.m. – Noon
What It Takes to Pass a School Tax Issue
Noon - 1:00 p.m.
1:00 p.m. - 1:30 p.m.
The West Holmes Story
1:30 p.m. - 2:00 p.m.
How to Expand Your Levy Support Network
2:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Blueprints for Action
3:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Wrap-Up & Adjournment
The landscape for passing school tax issues is changing. Thanks to a perfect storm of converging political and economic realities, how we structure, deliver and pay for education in our public schools has reached a tipping point. While many things will be in flux as we move forward, one thing, however, is certain. The need to pass school tax issues is not going away. As the financial watering hole continues to dry up, we’ll have no choice but to turn to our local taxpayers for help. This workshop focuses on how to harness the power of public engagement to build a clear and compelling case for maintaining local support for our schools.
The Changing Landscape for Passing School Tax Issues
How You Can Utilize the Power of Public Engagement to Maintain Community Support for Your Schools
Complete registration form(s) and enclose a check or purchase order and mail to: BASA, 8050 N. High St., Suite 150, Columbus, OH 43235; fax to (614) 846 ‐ 4081; or register online at:
Full Name: __________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________
Organization/School District ____________________________________________
Address/City/State/Zip _________________________________________________
Phone: _________ - _________ - _________ Fax: _________-___________-_________
Email: ________________________________________________________________
Fees & Payment $159.00 BASA Member $189.00 Non-Member _________ Check enclosed (payable to BASA
_________ Purchase Order Attached _________ Please send an invoice
Cancellations & Refunds
Refunds or credit will be given only for cancellations made in writing (email or fax) and received by the BASA office up to five business days prior to the event date. Cancellations 5 business days or less prior to the conference are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for “no shows.”
Additional Information
Participants in BASA workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Participants should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Questions? For additional information, contact at BASA at (614) 846-4080.
Join your colleagues for Making the OH Professional Licensure Code of Ethics Work in your District!
Learn to Lead your Employees to Success During this Leadership Staff Development Event for Principals, Supervisors, HR Directors, and Superintendents.
Module #2: Reinforcing Behavioral Expectations
REGISTRATION FEE: $159.00 BASA Member $209.00 Non-Member REGISTRATION DEADLINE: January 18, 2019
For Principals and Supervisors: This session demonstrates how an Employee Code of Conduct inspires school leaders to modify employee behavior. For HR Directors: This session details: (1) the framework for such a code; (2) the procedures that need to be included for principals and supervisors; and (3) how to implement such a code. For Superintendents: This session explores criteria for implementing such a code using state law, board policies, and master agreements.
Registration fee includes materials, continental breakfast, lunch, breaks, and parking.
Four Dates & Locations to Choose From:
Wednesday, January 23, 2019 Hamilton County, ESC 11083 Hamilton Avenue Cincinnati, OH 45231
Thursday, January 24, 2019 ESC of Northeast Ohio 6393 Oak Tree Blvd. Independence, OH 44131
Friday, January 25, 2019 BASA 8050 N. High Street Columbus, OH 43235
8:30 am - 12:00 pm
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
1:00 pm - 3:30 pm
• Introduction to Seminar and Grounds for Em- ployee Discipline • Considerations for Structuring the Code of Employee Conduct • Lack of Professional Competence as Grounds for Employee Discipline • Differentiating Board Policy Violations from Oth- er forms of Employee Misconduct • Dishonesty, Records Falsification or Failure to Accurately Provide Requested Information • Insubordination and Related Forms of Non-Compliance • Attendance, Leave or Contract Day Policy Violations
• Inappropriate, Abusive or Offensive Con- duct • Working Lunch • Considerations in Cases of Alleged Criminal Misconduct by Employees
• Examples of Employee Misconduct with Potential Criminal Consequences • Examples of Employee Misconduct with Potential Civil Consequences • Addressing Potential Gaps in the Code of Employee Conduct • The Role of Federal and State Statutes in the Code of Employee Conduct • The Role of Negotiated Agreements in the Code of Employee Conduct • Session Experience Survey
“This workshop put employee discipline into the perspective of improving staff behaviors to benefit student achievement. A much more collaborative approach to why and how to assist, share, and support staff with attention to consistent, fair, and reasonable criteria.” Jodi Riedel, Director of HR Trumbull Career and Technical Center
Employee Discipline Module 2 “Reinforcing Behavioral Expectations”
Complete registration form and enclose a check or purchase order and mail to: BASA 8050 North High Street, Suite 150 Columbus, OH 43235 or Fax to (614) 846-4081 or Register Online at REGISTRATION DEADLINE: January 18, 2019
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #:
Fax #:
Date/Location (choose one) Wednesday, January 23, 2019: Hamilton County ESC Thursday, January 24, 2019: ESC of Northeast Ohio Friday, January 26, 2019: BASA
Workshop Fees $159.00 BASA Member (single day) $209.00 Non-Member (single day)
Workshop Payment Type Check Enclosed (payable to BASA) Purchase Order Number (if applicable): _________________________________ Invoice Me
Cancellations & Refunds: Refunds or credit will be given only for cancellations made in writing & received by the BASA office up to five busi- ness days prior to the event date. Cancellations 5 business days or less prior to the event are subject to a 50% can- cellation fee. No refunds will be given for “no-shows.” Additional Information: Participants will receive a certificate of completion and should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Graduate credit is available for the Employee Discipline in an Education Environment program; for details, email prior to the workshop. Questions? For additional information, contact BASA via email at or by phone at 614-846-4080.
OASSA MEMBERS: PLEASE FEEL FREE TO MAKE COPIES AND DISTRIBUTE THIS FLYER TO PROSPECTIVE ADMINISTRATORS IN YOUR DISTRICT! NOTE: TEACHERS & COUNSELORS ARE INVITED TO ATTEND! Registrants at this conference will receive a complimentary OASSA associate membership for one calendar year. AGENDA 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. Registration & Continental Breakfast 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Resumes and Surviving the Paper Screening Jeffrey Stanton, Director of Human Resources, North Olmsted City Schools 10:00 a.m. - 10:10 a.m. Break 10:10 a.m. - 11:10 a.m. Preparing for Your First Interview David Hile, Superintendent, Licking Valley Local Schools 11:10 a.m. - 12:10 p.m. Landing Your First Job Timothy Freeman, Associate Executive Director, OASSA 12:10 p.m. - 1:00 p.m. Lunch 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. Transitioning from the Classroom to the Office: Panel Participation - Q & A Principal Panel 2:00 p.m. - 2:10 p.m. Break 2:10 p.m. - 3:10 p.m. Administrative Contracts 101 Mark Jones, Associate Executive Director, OAESA 3:10 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Engaging in Your Professional Association Timothy Freeman, Associate Executive Director 3:30 p.m. Adjournment
Participants in this conference will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the program. This conference includes 5.0 contact hours.
OASSA REGISTRATION FORM - Aspiring Administrators Conference • January 24, 2019 • The Conference Center at OCLC Name ________________________________________________ Current Position/Job Title ______________________________________
School ______________________________ School District _______________________County_____________________________
School Address______________________________________________________________________________________________ (Street) (City) (Zip)
Email _____________________________________________School Phone__(____)___________Cell Phone__(____)__________
REGISTRATION FEE : - $175 (Registration fee includes breakfast, lunch and conference materials) OASSA Registrants will receive a COMPLIMENTARY OASSA Associate Membership for ONE YEAR (*receive application at this conference). REGISTRATION & PAYMENT OPTIONS (Payment or purchase order must be included with your completed registration form - make checks payable to OASSA) : 1) Fax to the OASSA office at 614.430.8315 2) Email to Jeri Dill at 3) Mail to the OASSA office: 8050 N High St., Suite 180, Columbus, OH 43235 Purchase Order # ___________________________
MC/VISA/DISCOVER (do not email sensitive credit card info; phone or fax is acceptable)
Card # _________________________________________________________________ Exp. Date _______________ Amount $ _____________ Card Billing Address ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Street City Zip Email Receipt to: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
_____ Please check here if you are disabled and require special services or have dietary needs. Attach a written description of needs.
Participants in this conference will receive a certificate of completion at the end of the program. The conference includes 5.0 contact hours.
Participants will be exposed to the following Ohio Standards for Principals: 1. Principals help create a shared vision and clear goals for their schools and ensure continuous progress toward achieving the goals. 2. Principals support the implementation of high-quality standards based instruction that results in higher levels of achievement for all students. 3. Principals allocate resources and manage school operations in order to ensure a safe and productive learning environment. 4. Principals establish and sustain collaborative learning and shared leadership to promote learning and achievement of all students. 5. Principals engage parents and community members in the educational process and create an environment where community resources support student learning, achievement and well being. NOTICE: Registrants who cancel at least three (3) workdays before the date of the conference will not be charged or may request a full refund. Registrants who cancel fewer than three (3) workdays before will be charged for food costs. No shows and registrants who cancel the day of the conference will be charged the full registration amount. SUGGESTION: Before you attend the conference, please check with your treasurer to be sure that your registration has been processed. Please refer to our website to check whether or not you are on the registration list.
The Conference Center at OCLC 6600 Kilgour Place Dublin, OH 43017 (614) 764-6000
Take I-270 (northwest side of outerbelt) to the Dublin exit #17A . Head east on Rt. 161 to the first traffic light at Post Road. As you approach Post Road to turn left, stay in the right hand turning lane. Turn left and thenmake the first immediate right onto Kilgour Place. Continue through the 4-way stop. The Conference Center will be on your right. FROM THE WEST: Take Route 33 East until you are in Dublin past the I-270 outerbelt. As you approach the first traffic light at Post Road to turn left, stay in the right hand turning lane. Turn left at the light at Post Road. Take the first immediate right onto Kilgour Place. Continue through the 4-way stop. The Conference Center will be on your right.
Hotels near OCLC: Visit the following link for a list of hotels near OCLC
Ohio Advanced Placement Success Summit January 29, 2019 Renaissance Columbus Westerville-Polaris Hotel
C0-Sponsored by: College Board &The Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators
AGENDA: Registration will held from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m.
The Summit will begin at 9:00 a.m. and end at 3:00 p.m.
Agenda topics will include:
• Increasing both Access and Success in AP • Moving beyond AP classes: Building a culture for AP • AP 2019 – Key Changes: New resources, processes and tools that will be launched next August • LUNCH & KEYNOTE – Trevor Packer, Senior Vice President for Advanced Placement • Planning for Action – guided planning for key decisions and actions for AP 2019 changes! • Closure
ABOUT THIS SUMMIT: Big Changes Coming to AP in 2019!
College Board is making improvements to the way AP works, including giving students and teachers new resources to support them all year. These improvements will require a change to the timeline and registration process for schools and students. All schools offering AP will implement these changes in the 2019-20 school year.
What you need to know:
• Starting August 1, 2019, AP teachers and students will complete a short digital activation process at the start of the year. • Once they’ve signed up, teachers and students will get immediate access to the new classroom resources, including an online question bank, unit guides, personal progress checks, and a performance dashboard. • Coordinators will order exams by new fall deadlines in October and November. College Board will help Ohio teams prepare for these changes at our Ohio Advanced Placement Success Summit on January 29, 2019. At this important summit, you will be provided with AP 2019 information, support, and guidance in planning to make sure the transition is smooth.
HOTEL INFORMATION (Call the hotel directly if you need a guest room): Renaissance Columbus Westerville-Polaris Hotel 409 Altair Parkway, Westerville, Ohio 43082 614-882-6800
See next page for Registration Information
REGISTRATION INFORMATION (PLEASE READ): • There will be 375 available spots at this Summit. Registrations will be taken on a first come, first serve basis. - A maximum of (5) people may attend from a district. - OASSA will communicate via email and social media once the 375 spots have been filled. - A wait list will form after the spots have been filled in the event of cancellations. • Attendees DO NOT have to be members of OASSA. • This conference is directed at those in AP Program Leadership or Administrative positions. • Registration for this Summit will begin on Monday, November 26, 2018. • The cost for this Summit is $100/attendee.
OASSA REGISTRATION FORM - Ohio Advanced Placement Success Summit • January 29, 2019 Renaissance Columbus Westerville-Polaris Hotel
Name and Email of person completing form:
District Name:
Attendee #1 Name: Attendee #1 School:
Attendee #1 Position: Attendee #1 Email:
Attendee #2 Name: Attendee #2 School:
Attendee #2 Position: Attendee #2 Email:
Attendee #3 Name: Attendee #3 School:
Attendee #3 Position: Attendee #3 Email:
Attendee #4 Name: Attendee #4 School:
Attendee #4 Position: Attendee #4 Email:
Attendee #5 Name: Attendee #5 School:
Attendee #5 Position:
Attendee #5 Email: REGISTRATION FEE : $100 per attendee ( Registration fee includes: lunch and materials).
REGISTRATION & PAYMENT OPTIONS (Payment or purchase order must be included with your completed registration form - make checks payable to OASSA) : 1) Fax to the OASSA office at 614.430.8315 2) Email to Barb Benson at 3) Mail to the OASSA office: 8050 N High St., Suite 180, Columbus, OH 43235 Purchase Order # ___________________________ * Refunds will not be given but substitutions are allowed. _____ Please check here if you are disabled and require special services or have dietary needs. Attach a written description of needs. Card # _________________________________________________ Exp. Date _______________ Amount $ ____________ Card Billing Address ____________________________________________________________________________________ Street City Zip Email Receipt to: _______________________________________________________________________________________ MC/VISA/DISCOVER/AMERICAN EXPRESS (do not email sensitive credit card info; phone or fax is acceptable)
February 19 - 20, 2019 Renaissance Columbus Westerville 409 Altair Pkwy. | Westerville, OH 43082-7573
BASA is excited to partner with OASBO at our annual winter conference! The conference will highlight a keynote address each morning. Rick Manoloff, attorney with Squire Patton Boggs, will share lessons learned on how best to avoid communication mishaps at work. David James and Ryan Pendleton, Superintendent and Treasurer from the Akron Public Schools, will share the process of developing a public-private partnership that resulted in the LeBron James I Promise School. There will be 28 individual learning sessions targeting issues of leadership, finances, facilities, and the law, and an expo with 35 vendors sharing their services and products. Breakfasts, lunch and a reception are all included. Visit the OASBO website to register! detail/1/1267 For hotel reservations, visit porate-travel/groupCorp.mi?resLinkData=Buckeye%20Association%20of%20School%20 Administrators%20Facilities%20and%20Safety%202019%20Conference%5ECMHB- W%60BASBASA%60145.00%60USD%60false%602%602/18/19%602/20/19%601/25/19&ap- p=resvlink&stop_mobi=yes Educational Credits: Contact hours towards CEUs: 11.0 hrs Fees
Early Bird: Member/Non-Member fee until 1-11-2019: $295 Standard: Membrer/Non-Member fee after 1-11-2019: $325
Crucial Conversations Workshop Have you ever been in a meeting where the discussion took an unbelievable turn and no one spoke up? Have you ever had a conversation where emotions ran high and you either said nothing or said something you later regretted?These are the situations that canmake or break a career.They are crucial conversations. OASBO , in partnershipwithBASA, is offering Crucial Conversations, a two-day workshop that teaches skills for creating alignment and agreement by fostering open dialogue around high-stakes, emotional, or risky topics—at all levels of your organization. By learning how to speak and be heard, you’ll surface the best ideas,make the highest-quality decisions, and then act on your decisions with unity and commitment. March 7-8 Columbus,OH Register at
OUR STORIES • OUR JOURNEY Living. Learning. Leading.
March 18 (8 am – 4 pm) & March 19 (8 am – 12:30 pm) Polaris Hilton | 8700 Lyra Dr. | Columbus, OH Complete registration form(s) and enclose a check or purchase order and Mail to: BASA 8050 N. High St., Suite 150, Columbus, OH 43235; Fax to (614) 846-4081; or Register On-line at
Full Name ______________________________________ Title ____________________________ Organization/School District ______________________________________________________ Address __________________________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip ____________________________________________________________________ Phone ________________________________________ Fax _______________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________________________ Conference Fees & Payments: $209 per BASA Member/$239 per Non-Member (Fee includes all conference materials, food, non-alcoholic drinks and parking. The fee does not include a hotel room.) ___ Check Enclosed (payable to BASA) ___ Please Invoice Me ___ Purchase Order Number (if applicable) _________________ Cancellations & Refunds: Refunds or credit will be given only for cancellations made in writing (mail or fax) and received by the BASA office up to five business days prior to the event date. Cancellations 5 business days or less prior to the conference are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds will be Participants in BASA workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Participants should dis- cuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Graduate credit may be available for an additional fee, as well as upon completion of an Action Plan or Reflection Paper. Details will be given at the conference. Questions may be directed to Georgine S. Collette at Ashland University at Hotel Information: BASA has reserved a block of rooms for this event. The room rate is $165 +tax. Please contact the Hilton Polaris directly at (614) 885-1600 to make your reservation, and tell them you are with the Buckeye Association of School Administrators, in order to receive this reduced rate or go to jhtml Group name: BASA Women in Leadership
BASA Celebrating Women in Leadership Conference given for “no-shows.” Additional Information:
14 th Annual
Registration for OSROA trainings 2019 are now available! Please go to the website: to register!
2019 School Resource Officer/D.A.R.E. Officer Conference Date: Monday – Wednesday, June 24, 25, 26, 2019 Location: Kalahari Resort & Conference Center, Sandusky, Ohio Cost: $600 Single, $505 Double or $325 No Lodging SRO Basic Training Date: Monday – Friday July 29 – August 2, 2019 or Monday – Friday October 14 – October 18, 2019 Location: Columbus Police Training Academy, Columbus, Ohio Cost: $450 (does not include accomodations) SRO Bus Driver Safety Workshop Train the Trainer Date: Monday, April 22, 2019 Location: Rutherford B. Hayes High School, 289 Euclid Ave., Delaware, Ohio Cost: $38 (OSROA members) $78 (non-members) De-escalation Techniques for the SRO Date: Friday, June 14, 2019 Location: Ohio Peace Officer Training Academy, 4055 Highlander Pkwy, Richfield, OH Cost: $31 (OSROA members) $68 (non-members) Customizing an Active Shooter Response Presentation for YOUR School Date: Tuesday, October 29, 2019 Location: Hilliard Joint Safety Services Building, 5171 Northwest Parkway, Hilliard, Ohio Cost: $40 (members) $70 (non-members)
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