BASA Events Update 12.14.18
February 19 - 20, 2019 Renaissance Columbus Westerville 409 Altair Pkwy. | Westerville, OH 43082-7573
BASA is excited to partner with OASBO at our annual winter conference! The conference will highlight a keynote address each morning. Rick Manoloff, attorney with Squire Patton Boggs, will share lessons learned on how best to avoid communication mishaps at work. David James and Ryan Pendleton, Superintendent and Treasurer from the Akron Public Schools, will share the process of developing a public-private partnership that resulted in the LeBron James I Promise School. There will be 28 individual learning sessions targeting issues of leadership, finances, facilities, and the law, and an expo with 35 vendors sharing their services and products. Breakfasts, lunch and a reception are all included. Visit the OASBO website to register! detail/1/1267 For hotel reservations, visit porate-travel/groupCorp.mi?resLinkData=Buckeye%20Association%20of%20School%20 Administrators%20Facilities%20and%20Safety%202019%20Conference%5ECMHB- W%60BASBASA%60145.00%60USD%60false%602%602/18/19%602/20/19%601/25/19&ap- p=resvlink&stop_mobi=yes Educational Credits: Contact hours towards CEUs: 11.0 hrs Fees
Early Bird: Member/Non-Member fee until 1-11-2019: $295 Standard: Membrer/Non-Member fee after 1-11-2019: $325
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