BASA Events Update 8.9.19
Upcoming Events August 9, 2019
TABLE OF CONTENTS: 2.............BASA Regional Meetings (Sept. 4,5,6,9,12) 4.............Central Office/Assistant Superintendent Professional Learning (Multiple Dates) 6.............2019 BASA Fall Conference (Oct. 1-2) 8.............How to School Finacne (Oct. 14-15) 10...........Budget Analysis and Discussion Seminar (Aug. 15)
Join us for the
September Regional Meetings
Meeting Agenda
8:30 am - 9:00 am
Registration & Continental Breakfast
Ohio Department of Education Updaate John Richard, Deputy Superintendent & Scott Hunt, Executive Director of Field Relations
9:00 am - 10:00 am
Brain Power: A Science-based Approach to Drug Prevention Nancy Pommerening, Drug Awareness & Prevention, Inc.
10:00 am - 10:20 am
10:20 am - 10:30 am
Legal Issues for This School Year Nicole Donovsky & Beverly Meyer, Bricker & Eckler, LLP
10:30 am - 11:15 am
BASA Update BASA Staff
11:15 am - 12:00 p.m.
Dates & Locations September 4, 2019 8:30 am - 12:00 pm September 5, 2019 8:30 am - 12:00 pm BASA 8050 N. High Street, Suite 150 Columbus, OH 43235 (614) 846-4080 ESC of Northeast Ohio (Cuyahoga) 6393 Oak Tree Boulevard South Independence, OH 44131 (216) 524-3000 September 6, 2019 8:30 am - 12:00 pm September 9, 2019 8:30 am - 12:00 pm Montgomery County ESC
Athens City Schools 21 Birge Drive Chauncey, Ohio 45719 (740) 797-4544
200 South Keowee Dayton, OH 45402 (937) 225-4603
September 12, 2019 8:30 am - 12:00 pm
Breakfast Sponsored by:
Register @ -OR- Fax to (614) 846-4081 -OR- Email to
Wood County ESC 1867 North Research Drive Bowling Green, OH 43402 (419) 354-9010
September Regional Meetings REGISTER NOW!
Registration Options: Online @ Mail to: BASA 8050 N. High St., Suite 150, Columbus, OH 43235 Email Vanessa Gabriele: or Denise Hall: FAX: (614) 846-4081
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #:
Fax #:
Please c heck the day you will attend: September 4, 2019 (BASA)
Breakfast Sponsored by:
September 5, 2019 (ESC of Northeast Ohio)
September 6, 2019 (Montgomery County ESC)
September 9, 2019 (Athens City Schools)
September 12, 2019 (Wood County ESC)
NOTE: There is no fee to attend a meeting. Cancellations If you are unable to attend a meeting and you have already sent in a registration form, please email Vanessa Gabriele at to cancel your reservation. Additional Information Participants in BASA workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Participants should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Questions? For additional information, contact BASA at (614)-846-4080.
Central Office / Assistant Superintendent Professional Learning September 26, 2019 | November 7, 2019 | January 16, 2020
A professional learning opportunity specifically designed for central office personnel and assistant superintendents!
• For 3 days, participants will focus on 6 identified topics with collaboration and application time built into the schedule. Essential questions will be asked and answered. • Priority will be given to the first 30 participants registering for all 3 days. Individual registrations will be accepted if space allows. • All sessions will be held at the BASA Office , 8050 N. High Street, Suite 150, Columbus, OH 43235 from 8:30 a.m. – 3:15 p.m. Lunch will be provided.
NOVEMBER 7, 2019 RELATIONSHIPS AND HUMAN RESOURCES Why do relationships mat- ter? This will be explored on a much deeper level in the morning session. Mock inter- views and timely feedback will comprise much of the afternoon. Small groups will ensure a high level of interac- tion for all participants. Each participant will be answering proposed questions and also providing valuable feedback for others in their respective group.
JANUARY 16, 2020 OPERATIONS AND FINANCE How do we define Op- erations in our respective roles? What do we need to know when reviewing a Five Year Forecast? What options are avail- able when considering a ballot issue? These are just some of the questions to be explored during this session.
SEPTEMBER 26, 2019 LEADERSHIP AND POLITICS Why do Leadership and Politics go together? The day will begin with a discussion of Leadership and its application to central office administra- tors. Politics in Education will explore the historical view, business influence, governmental influence, and superintendent’s role in this area.
Central Office / Assistant Superintendent Professional Learning
Complete the registration form(s) and enclose a check or purchase order. Mail to:
Other ways to register:
Email form to
Fax to (614) 846-4081
8050 North High Street, Suite 150
Online at
Columbus, OH 43235
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #:
Fax #:
Conference Fees (All sessions will take place at BASA | 8050 N. High St., Ste. 150 | Columbus, OH 43235) $495 - All 3 sessions (9/26, 11/7, 1/16) $195 - Single Session 9/26/19 11/7/19 1/16/20
Conference Payment Type Check Enclosed (payable to BASA) Purchase Order Number (if applicable): _________________________________
Cancellations & Refunds: Refunds or credit will be given only for cancellations made in writing (mail or fax) and received by the BASA office up to five business days prior to the event. Cancellations 5 business days or less prior to the conference are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for “no-shows.” Additional Information: Participants in BASA workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Participants should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Graduate Credit May be available for an additional fee and granted upon completion of an additional assignment. Questions should be directed to Cheryle “Dee” Basinger at Questions? For additional information, contact BASA via email at or by phone at (614) 846-4080.
October 1-2, 2019 at Hilton Polaris Celebrating 50 Years of Leadership BASA’s 50th Annual Fall Conference
Featuring Key Note Speakers
October 1st: John Tanner True Accountability: What it Can and Should Look Like John Tanner is an educational thinker and writ- er specializing in the structures that drive the educational enterprise. In his book, The Pit- falls of Reform , John outlines how a number of those present structures—most notably tests, standards, and the quality determination for schools—all possess the similar characteristic of having been designed for purposes outside the goal of educational excellence. As a result, educational excellence occurs not because of the formal systems of accountability, but in spite of them, and when it does an educator is at heart of the change.
October 2nd: Panel of Experts Cybercrime Comes to Schools: Lessons Learned from a Victim District
What would it take to restore public trust if your school gets scammed for a lot of money? Imagine trying to pass a levy on the heels of a cyber theft of public funds…what can you do to protect your district’s resources? Cyber criminals have attacked schools in Ohio. Listen to and speak with a panel of those who have lived it. Learn from a moderated panel that includes two Ohio superintendents whose districts have been victims of cy- ber thievery tell their stories, an FBI supervisor who lays out common and uncommon strategies employed by cyber crimi- nals, along with what you can do to best protect your district resources, a banker who will advise you on best practices and bank strategies, an ITC Director will share data handling and techniques, and the statewide perspective of the Management Council.
Tuesday, October 1st Highlights:
Wednesday, October 2nd Highlights:
• Welcome & Introductions • Key Note Speaker John Tanner • BASA Awards Luncheon • Break-Out Sessions to choose from throughout the day • BASA Reception
• Welcome & Introductions • Key Note Speaker: Panel on Cybercrimes
• BASA Business Meeting • BASA Legislative Update • Closing remarks
Hilton Columbus/Polaris
Hampton Inn & Suites by Hilton
Book by August 31, 2019
Book by September 16, 2019
Reserve by phone @ (614) 885-1600 Group Name: 2019 BASA Fall Conference Group Code: BASA19
Reserve by phone @ (614) 885-8400 OR 1-800-Hampton Group Name: BASA Fall Conference 2019 Group Code: CHHCON Reserve online: reservation/book.htm?inputModule=HOTEL&ctyhocn=C- MHPSHX&spec_plan=CHHCON&arrival=20190930&de- parture=20191002&cid=OM,WW,HILTONLINK,EN,Direct- Link&fromId=HILTONLINKDIRECT
Reserve online: personalized/C/CMHPOHF-BASA19-20190930/index. jhtml?WT.mc_id=POG
Send in your registration today!
BASA 2019 Fall Conference Attendee Registration Form Register NOW to ensure your spot at the conference!
Complete the registration form(s) and enclose a check or purchase order. Mail to:
Other ways to register:
Email form to
Fax to (614) 846-4081 Online at
8050 North High Street, Suite 150
Columbus, OH 43235
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #:
Fax #:
Conference Fees
Conference Payment Type Check Enclosed (payable to BASA) Purchase Order Number (if applicable): _________________________________
$325 BASA Member $375 Non-Member
Cancellations & Refunds: Refunds or credit will be given only for cancellations made in writing (mail or fax) and received by the BASA office up to five business days prior to the event. Cancellations 5 business days or less prior to the conference are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for “no-shows.” Additional Information: Participants in BASA workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Participants should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). At the time of registration, please indicate any dietary restrictions by emailing Vanessa Gabriele at no later than Setpember 13, 2019. Graduate Credit May be available for an additional fee and granted upon completion of an additional assignment. Questions should be directed to Cheryle “Dee” Basinger at Questions? For additional information, contact BASA via email at or by phone at (614) 846-4080.
How to $chool Finance
October 14, 2019 8:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
October 15, 2019 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
BASA 8050 N. High Street, Suite 150 | Columbus, OH 43235
Thousands of Superintendents, Treasurers, Administrators and School Board members have relied on BASA’s “How To” $chool Finance seminar to get the most up-to-date information available. Join Stephen Osborne, former school treasurer/CFO and BASA’s Director of Finance, for this intensive workshop .
Bring the follwing items (if available) • Your district’s “School Funding Payment Report” Summary and Detail • Current effective millage rates • Current property valuations • Your questions!
Update your knowledge!
• How does your current state funding formula affect your district? • Strategies to communicate with your stakeholders • Local levy options • Effects of property valuation changes on local and state revenue • Constitutional provisions, property tax classes, and millage
Register Today! Space is limited to 25 participants! (School Board Members, Administrators, and Treasurers are welcome!)
How to $chool Finance
Register NOW to ensure your spot at the conference!
Complete the registration form(s) and enclose a check or purchase order. Mail to:
Other ways to register:
Email form to
Fax to (614) 846-4081
8050 North High Street, Suite 150
Online at
Columbus, OH 43235
Full Name:
Organization/School District: Address: (Street/City/State/Zip) Phone #:
Fax #:
Conference Fees
Conference Payment Type Check Enclosed (payable to BASA) Purchase Order Number (if applicable): _________________________________
$280 BASA Member $335 Non-Member
Cancellations & Refunds: Refunds or credit will be given only for cancellations made in writing (mail or fax) and received by the BASA office up to five business days prior to the event. Cancellations 5 business days or less prior to the conference are subject to a 50% cancellation fee. No refunds will be given for “no-shows.” Additional Information: Participants in BASA workshops will receive a certificate of completion. Participants should discuss the outcomes of their experience with their Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC). Graduate Credit May be available for an additional fee and granted upon completion of an additional assignment. Questions should be directed to Cheryle “Dee” Basinger at Questions? For additional information, contact BASA via email at or by phone at (614) 846-4080.
BUDGET ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION (BAD) SEMINAR Attend the Budget Analysis and Discussion (BAD) Seminar for the most in-depth analysis on the 2020-21 state budget. This comprehensive seminar will provide insights on the budget process and final version of the legislation. This workshop will take place in the Virginia Building, Grand Ballroom on the South side of the building. Parking is available nearby in the East, Central or South lots. Map of the site is a .pdf file attached to the registration slot in the agenda.
8:30 a.m.
8:55 a.m.
Welcome and overview
9:00 a.m.
Budget review Thomas Ash, BASA; Dr. Howard Fleeter, Ohio Education Policy Institute (OEPI); Jennifer Hogue, Will Schwartz, and Jay Smith, OSBA; Barbara Shaner, OASBO Student wellness and success funds overview (message from the Governor) Governor Mike DeWine
11:30 a.m.
12:00 p.m. Lunch
1:00 p.m.
Looking forward on school funding Dr. Howard Fleeter, consultant, OEPI
2:00 p.m.
2:15 p.m.
Unfinished business in the general assembly Representative Bill Blessing, chair, Ohio House Primary and Secondary Education Committee and Senator Peggy Lehner, chair, Senate Education Committee
3:15 p.m.
Location Nationwide Hotel & Conference Center, Lewis Center
Date and Time Thursday, Aug. 15, 2019 9 a.m. - 3:15 p.m.
To register, please visit: analysis-and-discussion-bad-seminar-1#block-eventmap
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