(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
basa members listed ALPHABETICALLY
Montgomery, Matthew Superintendent Waterloo Local Schools
Morris, Gregg Superintendent Clark Shawnee Local 3680 Selina Road Springfield, OH 45502 (937) 328-5378; fax: (937) 328-5379 gregg.morris@cslocal.org Motley, Veronica Director of Instruction South Euclid Lyndhurst City Schools 5044 Mayfield Road Cleveland, OH 44124 (216) 691-2000; fax: (216) 691-2033 motley@sel.k12.oh.us Mullane, David Assistant Superintendent Austintown Local Schools 700 South Racoon Youngstown, OH 44515 (330) 540-2645; fax: (330) 792-8625 dmullane@access-k12.org Mullens, Noreen Superintendent Crestline Exempted Village Schools 401 Heiser Ct. Crestline, OH 44827 (419) 683-3647; fax: (419) 683-4984 mullens.noreen@crestline.k12.oh.us Mullett, William Superintendent Jefferson Local Schools (Madison) 906 W. Main St. West Jefferson, OH 43162 (614) 879-7654; fax: (614) 879-5376 wmullett@west-jefferson.k12.oh.us Tuscarawas Valley Local Schools 2637 Tuscarawas Valley Road NE Mineral City, OH 44656 (330) 859-8807; fax: (330) 859-2706 mark.murphy@tvtrojans.org Myers, Tim Superintendent Van Buren Local Schools 217 South Main St. Van Buren, OH 45889 (419) 299-3578; fax: (419) 299-3668 tmyers@vbschools.net N Naidu, Kershini Director, Pupil Services Orange City Schools 32000 Chagrin Blvd Cleveland, OH 44124 (216) 831-8600; fax: (216) 831-5049 knaidu@orangecsd.org Murphy, Mark Superintendent
Neal, Mark Superintendent Tri-Valley Local Schools 36 East Muskingum Avenue Dresden, OH 43821 (740) 754-1442; fax: (740) 754-6400 mneal@tvschools.org
Notar, Michael Superintendent Warren City Schools 105 High St NE Warren, OH 44481 (330) 841-2321; fax: (330) 841-2434 michael.notar@neomin.org Nye, Elaine Superintendent New Riegel Local Schools 44 N. Perry St. New Riegel, OH 44853 (419) 595-2265; fax: (419) 595-2901 enye@new-riegel.k12.oh.us Nye, William Superintendent Grand Valley Local Schools 111 Grand Valley Avenue West Orwell, OH 44076 (440) 437-6260; fax: (440) 437-1025 william.nye@neomin.org O 350 S. Main Street Creston, OH 44217 (330) 435-6382; fax: (330) 435-4633 nrcn_ohare@tccsa.net O’Reilly, Edward Superintendent Grandview Heights 1587 W. 3rd Ave Columbus, OH 43212 (614) 481-3600; fax: (614) 481-3648 eoreilly@grandviewschools.org Olszewski, Terrance Superintendent Garfield Heights City Schools 5640 Briarcliff Dr Cleveland, OH 44125 (216) 662-2800; fax: (216) 271-6183 tsolszewski@garfield-heights.k12.oh.us O’Hare, Karen Superintendent Norwayne Local Schools Finneytown Local Schools 8916 Fontainebleau Ter Cincinnati, OH 45231 (513) 728-3700; fax: (513) 931-0986 tolverson@finneytown.org Orr, Anthony Superintendent Northwestern Local 5610 Troy Road Springfield, OH 45502 (937) 964-1318; fax: (937) 964-6019 orr@northwestern.k12.oh.us Osler, Al Superintendent Tuslaw Local Schools 1835 Manchester Ave NW Massillon, OH 44647 (330) 837-7813; fax: (330) 837-7804 aosler@tuslaw.sparcc.org Olverson, Ty Superintendent
1464 Industry Road Atwater, OH 44201 (330) 947-2664; fax: (330) 947-1911 mmontgomery@ viking.portage.k12.oh.us
Neavin, Brad Superintendent Vandalia-Butler City Schools
Mook, Donald Superintendent Columbiana EVS 700 Columbiana Waterford Columbiana, OH 44408
306 South Dixie Drive Vandalia, OH 45377 (937) 415-6415; fax: (937) 415-6429 bradley.neavin@vbcsd.com Neer, Heather Superintendent Shelby County ESC 129 East Court Street Sidney, OH 45365 (937) 498-1354; fax: (937) 498-4850 heather_neer@scesc.k12.oh.us Warren Local Schools 220 Sweetapple Road Vincent, OH 45784 (740) 678-2366; fax: (740) 678-8275 wl_knewton@warrenlocal.org Nicholas, Necia Superintendent (937) 259-6606; fax: (937) 259-6607 necia.nicholas@madriverschools.org Nicholas, Perry Superintendent Maplewood Local Schools 2414 Greenville Cortland, OH 44410 (330) 637-7506; fax: (330) 637-6616 perry.nicholas@neomin.org Nichols, Todd Superintendent Cuyahoga Falls City Schools 431 Stow Avenue Cuyahoga Falls, OH 44221 (330) 926-3800; fax: (330) 920-1074 cf_nichols@cfalls.org Nolan, John Interim Superintendent Wellington Exempted Village Schools 201 S. Main Street Wellington, OH 44090 (440) 647-4286; fax: (440) 647-4806 jnolan@wellington.k12.oh.us Newton, Kyle Superintendent Mad River Local Schools 801 Old Harshman Rd. Dayton, OH 45431 Lebanon City Schools 700 Holbrook Avenue Lebanon, OH 45036 (513) 934-5784; fax: (513) 932-5906 north.mark@lebanon.k12.oh.us North, Marlene Superintendent North Baltimore Local Schools 201 S. Main Street North Baltimore, OH 45872 (419) 257-3531; fax: (419) 257-2008 mnorth@nbls.org North, Mark Superintendent
(330) 482-5352; fax: (330) 482-5361 don.mook@columbianaschools.org Moore, Benjamin Superintendent Portage Lakes JVS 4401 Shriver Road Uniontown, OH 44685 (330) 896-8290; fax: (330) 899-9143 bmoore@plcc.edu 415 Washington St. Felicity, OH 45120 (513) 876-2113; fax: (513) 876-2519 mooreg@felicityschools.org Moore, Robert Superintendent Richmond Heights Local Schools Moore, Roger Superintendent Coshocton Opportunity School 1205 Cambridge Road Coshocton, OH 43812 (740) 622-3600; fax: (740) 622-6860 roger.moore@omeresa.net Moorman, Rod Superintendent St. Henry Consolidated Local Schools 395 East Columbus Street Saint Henry, OH 45883 (419) 678-4834; fax: (419) 678-1724 moormar@sh.noacsc.org Moran, Aaron Superintendent Versailles EVS 4 Virginia St, PO Box 313 Versailles, OH 45380 (937) 526-4773; fax: (937) 526-5745 aaron_moran@darke.k12.oh.us Morgan, Larry Superintendent Stark County Educational Service Center 2100 38th Street NW Canton, OH 44709 (330) 492-8136; fax: (216) 492-6381 larry.morgan@email.sparcc.org Morr, Andrew Superintendent Edgerton Local Schools 111 E. River St. Edgerton, OH 43517 (419) 298-2112; fax: (419) 298-2281 amorr@edgertonls.org Moore, Glenn Superintendent Felicity Franklin Local Schools 442 Richmond Road Cleveland, OH 44143 (216) 692-8485; fax: (216) 692-2820 rmoore@richmondheightsschools.org
Nance, Dean Superintendent
Ironton City Schools 105 South 5th Street Ironton, OH 45638 (740) 532-4133; fax: (740) 532-2314 dean.nance@tigertown.com
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