(DIR) BASA 2013-14 Directory
basa members listed ALPHABETICALLY Pollock, Angela
Otten, Paul Superintendent Fairfield City Schools 4661 Bach Lane Fairfield, OH 45014 (513) 829-6300; fax: (513) 858-7135 otten_p@fairfieldcityschools.com Overman, Howard Superintendent New Bremen Local Schools 901 E. Monroe Street New Bremen, OH 45869 (419) 629-8606; fax: (419) 629-0115 howard.overman@ newbremenschools.org P Pachmayer, Bermadette Superintendent Knox County Career Center 306 Martinburg Rd Mt. Vernon, OH 43050 (740) 397-5820; fax: (740) 397-7040 bernie_pachmayer@kccc.k12.oh.us Pack, Gary Superintendent Princeton City Schools 25 West Sharon Ave Cincinnati, OH 45246 (513) 771-8560; fax: (513) 771-3454 gpack@princeton.k12.oh.us Palmer, Geoff Superintendent West Geauga Local Schools 8615 Cedar Road Chesterland, OH 44026 (440) 729-5900; fax: (440) 729-5939 geoff.palmer@westg.org Paolo, Domenic Superintendent Fairport Harbor EVS 329 Vine St Fairport Harbor, OH 44077 (440) 354-5400; fax: (440) 357-1478 domenic.paolo@ fairportharborschools.org Parent, Dan Superintendent Danbury Local Schools 9451 East Harbor Rd Lakeside-Marblehead, OH 43440 (419) 798-5185; fax: (419) 798-2260 parentd@danbury.k12.oh.us Parker, Jeff Superintendent National Trail Local Schools 6940 Oxford-Gettysburg Rd. New Paris, OH 45347 (937) 437-3333; fax: (937) 437-7865 jparker@nationaltrail.us Parker, Shannon Director North Fork Local Schools 312 Maple Avenue Utica, OH 43080 (740) 892-2106; fax: (740) 892-2203 shparker@laca.org
Parmigian, Guy Superintendent Benton Carroll Salem Local Schools 11685 W. State Route 163 Oak Harbor, OH 43449 (419) 898-6210; fax: (419) 898-4303 gparmigian@bcssd.com Patrick, Jeff Superintendent Franklin-Monroe Local Schools PO Box 78 Pitsburg, OH 45358 (937) 447-1212; fax: (937) 447-1372 jeff_patrick@darke.k12.oh.us Patterson, Jeffery Superintendent Lakewood City Schools 1470 Warren Rd. Lakewood, OH 44107 (216) 529-4412; fax: (216) 228-8327 jeff.patterson@lakewood.k12.oh.us Penczarski, Jennifer Superintendent Northern Local Schools 8700 Sheridan Rd NW Thornville, OH 43076 (740) 743-1303; fax: (740) 743-3301 no_tperkins@seovec.org Perone, Kris Superintendent West Holmes Local Schools 28 West Jackson Millersburg, OH 44654 (330) 674-3546; fax: (330) 674-1177 whol_pipes@tccsa.net Peterson, James Superintendent River Valley Local Schools 197 Brocklesby Rd Caledonia, OH 43314 (740) 725-5400; fax: (740) 725-5499 jpeterson@rvk12.org Petrey, Todd Superintendent Springboro Community City Schools 1685 S. Main St. Springboro, OH 45066 (513) 748-3960; fax: (513) 748-3956 tpetrey@springboro.org Petrie, Brian Superintendent Cardington-Lincoln Local Schools 121 Nichols St Cardington, OH 43315 (419) 864-3691; fax: (419) 864-0946 brian.petrie@cardingtonschools.org Kenton City Schools 222 West Carroll St. Kenton, OH 43326 (419) 673-0775; fax: (419) 673-3180 penczarskij@kentoncityschools.org Perkins, Tom Superintendent
Pettit, Gregg Superintendent Bettsville Local 118 Washington St, P.O. Box 6 Bettsville, OH 44815 (419) 986-5166; fax: (419) 986-6039 gpettit@bettsville.k12.oh.us Pfahler, William Superintendent Lordstown Local Schools 1824 Salt Springs Rd Warren, OH 44481 (330) 824-2534; fax: (330) 824-2847 bill.pfahler@neomin.org Pfister, J. Chris Superintendent Waynesfield Goshen Local Schools 500 N. Westminster St. Waynesfield, OH 45896 (419) 568-9104; fax: (419) 568-8024 pfisterc@wgschools.org Madison Local Schools - Butler 1324 Middletown Eaton Road Middletown, OH 45042 (513) 420-4750; fax: (513) 420-4781 curtis.philpot@madisonmohawks.org Piotrowski, Deb Superintendent Xenia Community Schools 578 East Market St Xenia, OH 45385 (937) 562-9001; fax: (937) 372-4701 dpiotrowski@xenia.k12.oh.us Pittis, Adam Superintendent Conotton Valley Union Local Schools 21 Mound Street Sherrodsville, OH 44675 (740) 269-2000; fax: (740) 269-7901 adam.pittis@cvul.org Poe, Brian Superintendent Copley-Fairlawn City Schools 3797 Ridgewood Road Akron, OH 44321 (330) 664-4800; fax: (330) 664-4811 brian.poe@copley-fairlawn.org Poe, Steve Superintendent Put-In_Bay Local Schools 548 Catawba Ave, PO Box 659 Put In Bay, OH 43456 (419) 285-3614; fax: (419) 285-2137 spoe@put-in-bay.k12.oh.us Pohlman, Mike Superintendent Marion Local Schools 7956 State Route 119 Maria Stein, OH 45860 (419) 925-4294; fax: (419) 925-0212 pohlmanm@marionlocal.org Polen, Kent Superintendent Beaver Local Schools 13093 S R 7 Lisbon, OH 44432 (330) 385-6831; fax: (330) 386-8711 ken.polen@beaverlocal.org Philpot, Curtis Superintendent
Assistant Superintendent Big Walnut Local Schools 105 Baughman Street, Suite A Sunbury, OH 43074 (740) 965-3010 angiepollock@bigwalnut.k12.oh.us Powell, James Superintendent North Ridgeville City Schools 5490 Mills Creek Lane North Ridgeville, OH 44039 (440) 327-4444; fax: (440) 327-9774 jimpowell@nrcs.k12.oh.us Power, Greg Superintendent Little Miami Local Schools 5920 Morrow Cozzaddale Road Morrow, OH 45152 (513) 899-5100; fax: (513) 899-2048 gpower@littlemiamischools.com Powers, Kathryn Superintendent Twinsburg City Schools 11136 Ravenna Rd Twinsburg, OH 44087 (330) 486-2000; fax: (330) 425-7216 kpowers@twinsburg.k12.oh.us Prebles, Scot Superintendent Brecksville Broadview Heights Schools 6638 Mill Rd Brecksville, OH 44141 (440) 740-4010; fax: (440) 740-4014 prebless@bbhcsd.org Price, Jeffery Superintendent Ohio Hi-Point JVS 2280 St Rt 540 Bellefontaine, OH 43311 (937) 599-3010; fax: (937) 599-2318 jprice@ohiohipoint.com Prohaska, Danielle Director of Teaching Mechanicsburg EVS 60 High St Mechanicsburg, OH 43044 (937) 834-2453; fax: (937) 834-3954 prohaskad@mcburg.org Puthoff, Gregory Superintendent Parkway Local Schools 400 Buckeye St Rockford, OH 45882 (419) 363-3045; fax: (419) 363-2595 puthofg@parkwayschools.org R Radinsky, Troy Principal Leetonia EVS 450 Walnut Street Leetonia, OH 44431 (330) 427-2115; fax: (330) 427-6904 tradinsky@leetonia.k12.oh.us
Pettiegrew, Henry Director of Curriculum Maple Heights City Schools 5740 Lawn Avenue Maple Heights, OH 44137
(216) 587-6100; fax: (216) 518-2674 henry.pettiegrew@mapleschools.com
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