November AdminiScope
First Tuesday After First Monday On or around 11
General Election Day (Board of Education members are elected in odd-numbered years.)
Veterans Educate Today’s Students Day (“VETS) on which all schools are encouraged to observe the day by inviting veterans, on or about this day, to visit schools and discuss their military experiences. Veteran’s Day – Board of Education may dismiss school. Commemoration is required.
Fourth Thursday Thanksgiving Day – Board of Education may dismiss school. Fourth Thursday Holiday for nonteaching staff members. 150 Days After Close of Previous Fiscal Year
Deadline for district treasurer using generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) to file financial report with the Auditor of State and to publish notice that the report is available; the deadline for districts not using GAAP is 90 days after the close of the fiscal year.
Schedule the College Credit Plus information and counseling program for grades six through twelve and their parents and invite participating colleges and universities to participate; students must inform the high school principal of their intent to participate by April 1. Board members should be canvassed to establish date in January for organization meeting; Board members could then also by consensus designate a temporary chair for the organization meeting. Deadline for notifying police chief (or county sheriff if no police chief) of dates when school safety and security drills were held during the previous school year and are scheduled for the current school year Deadline for reporting both of the following (related to students with diabetes) to the Ohio Department of Education: (1) the number of students with diabetes enrolled in the district or school during the previous school year; and (2) the number of errors associated with the administration of diabetes medication to students with diabetes during the previous school year. Districts currently aligned to ESCs must notify the ESC prior to January 1 of any odd-numbered year if they wish to terminate that agreement with the ESC on June 30. No notifications are required if the districts wish to continue an agreement. Terms of elected Board of Education expire in the applicable odd-numbered year. Annual organization meeting of the Board of Education must be held during the first 15 days of January (except for Educational Service Center Governing Boards which will meet on a date in January as set by the Board. Newly elected or re-elected Board members must take oath of office prior to their voting on any agenda item. Notify those administratorswhose contracts are expiring this year that their contracts are expiring and that they have the right to meet with the Board in executive session. (The opportunity to meet must be provided prior to any Board action on the expiring contract and must be prior to June 1.) Christmas Day – Board of Education may dismiss school. Holiday for non-teaching staff members.
December Board Meeting
25 25
Prior to 15 Or 31 (ESCs)
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