November AdminiScope
January continued
A contract of an administrator may be renewed at any time during the calendar year prior to the expiration of the contract. In any school year in which the administrator will be considered for a new contract, there must be two written evaluations: a preliminary evaluation conducted at least 60 days prior to Board action and a final evaluation (with the Superintendent’s employment recommendation) at least 5 days prior to Board action on the contract. The deadline for either renewing or non-renewing an administrators’ contract is June 1. Failure of the Board to act by this date results in an automatic renewal of the contract for a period of one or two years (depending on the length of the administrative service). In any school year in which the administrator’s contract is not being considered for renewal, at least one evaluation still must be completed. Failure to complete this evaluation would also result in the automatic renewal of the administrator’s contract. Terms of newly elected (or re-elected) Board members begin in even-numbered years. Discuss and set (if possible) the date for the hearing on the school calendar for the ensuing school year. Topics to be included in the hearing include, but are not limited to, total number of hours in a school year, length of school day, and beginning and end dates of instruction. Deadline for treasurer to submit non-handicapped tuition report covering previous six months to the Superintendent of Public Instruction Board must adopt tax budget for the next ensuing fiscal year. Two copies of the tax budget must be on file for public inspection in the office of the Treasurer not less than 10 days prior to the adoption of the budget. A public hearing is also to be held before the adoption of the budget, with at least a 10 day published notice of the hearing. A county budget commission may waive the requirement for the tax budget with the approval of a majority of the commission members and the county auditor. Tax budget (as adopted by the Board) must be submitted to the county auditor in triplicate (although the deadline may be extended by the tax commissioner). Board may dismiss school (holiday). Holiday for nonteaching employees
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Organization Meeting
Third Monday
(Martin Luther King Day) The Board may dismiss school. Holiday for nonteaching employees
100 Days Prior to Primary Election Deadline to file first income tax resolution with state tax commissioner for May election
Last day to certify resolution for operating/permanent improvement levy (including renewal or replacement levy), emergency levy, phased-in levy, income tax or combined income tax and property tax levy to board of elections for May election, accompanied by county auditor certification. (The auditor may take up to five days to certify the proposed issue.) Last day to file resolution to proceed with bond issue (stand-alone or combination) with board of elections (May election), accompanied by previously-adopted resolution of necessity and millage rate certified by county auditor, unless state consent was required, which accelerates the filing deadline to 98 days prior to the election.
90 Days Prior to Primary Election
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