Professional Report

half credit in the study of world history and civilizations will also be required for graduation.

It is required that, beginning with students entering ninth grade on or after July 1, 2012, instruction in American history and American government in the high school curriculum must include the study of the Declaration of Independence, the Northwest Ordinance, the U.S. Constitution with emphasis on the Bill of Rights, and the Ohio Constitution. In addition, the bill requires that study to include study of the documents in their "original context." It also specifies that "the role of documents such as the Federalist Papers and the Anti-Federalist Papers [be studied] to firmly establish the historical background leading to the establishment of the provisions of the Constitution and Bill of Rights." Students will be required to demonstrate their mastery of the content through end-of-course examinations in American history and American government, and 30% of that assessment must reflect the historical documents required for study for graduation. While those assessments are being developed or identified, boards of education are required to adopt by July 1, 2013 an interim end-of-course examination that complies with this requirement. Each school district and community school must comply with the state board’s flexible credit plan and award credits in accordance with that plan. Please see the Appendix O for additional information on flex credits. For special education, students with disabilities are included in the basic average daily membership count, but there is a funding supplement based on the category of the student’s disability as follows:


3317.013 3317.022

Category 1: $1,547 in FY 2016 and $1,578 in FY 2017 Category 2: $3,926 in FY 2016 and $4,005 in FY 2017 Category 3: $9,433 in FY 2016 and $9,622 in FY 2017 Category 4: $12,589 in FY 2016 and $12,841 in FY 2017 Category 5: $17,049 in FY 2016 and $17,390 in FY 2017 Category 6: $25,134 in FY 2016 and $25,637 in FY 2017

However, each of these category amounts is multiplied by a district’s state share index in an effort to equalize the state support.

Because of federal maintenance requirements, each school district will be required to account for expenditures of the amounts received for students with disabilities and report that information. Special meetings may be called by the president or treasurer or by any two members by serving written notice upon each member at least two days prior to the day of such meeting. Such notice must be signed by the official or members calling the meeting. At least one Ohio Appellate Court has ruled that providing a 24-hour notice of special meetings only to news media requesting notification does not establish the “reasonable method of notice” required by law. The key apparently is to provide sufficient time so that any person may determine the time, place and purpose of all special meetings. Parents of students with disabilities may apply to the state department of education for a scholarship to attend an alternative public or private special education program. The total number of scholarships is limited




3310.51 et seq

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