Professional Report

from this requirement will be issued by ODE if a board of education files a resolution requesting the waiver before September 30 of each school year.



Career technical education programs in comprehensive and compact vocational programs receive, in addition to the per pupil amount of $6,000 in FY 2016, the following amounts based on the program categories defined by the Ohio Department of Education: Category 1: $4,992 in FY 2016 and $5,192 in Fiscal Year 2017 Category 2: $4,732 in FY 2016 and $4,921 in Fiscal Year 2017 Category 3: $1,726 in FY 2016 and $1,795 in Fiscal Year 2017 Category 4: $1,466 in FY 2016 and $1,525 in Fiscal Year 2017 Category 1: $1,258 in FY 2016 and $1,308 in Fiscal Year 2017 The career tech programs also receive $236 per student in FY 2016 and $245 in FY 2017 for career-technical education associated services, as defined by the department of education. The amounts are subject to the state share index (except for joint vocational school districts [JVSDs], which use the state share percentage). JVSDs receive an opportunity grant which is calculated by multiplying the formula ADM times the formula amount and then subtracting 0.0005 times the three-year average property valuation. The above category amounts and associated services funding are then added to the opportunity grants. A school district in a county or counties comprising a career-technical planning district (CTPD), or in a county adjacent to a county or counties comprising that CTPD, may adopt a resolution to join the CTPD with the approval of the board of education governing the CTPD. The resolution will take effect on the sixty-first day following its adoption unless a petition proposing a referendum vote on the joining is filed by electors numbering at least 20% of the voters who voted in the previous General Election. If such a petition is successfully filed, the resolution is stayed pending the outcome of the referendum which must occur at a General, Primary, or Special Election held at least 90 days but no later than six months after the petition has been verified. “Lead district" means a school district, including a joint vocational school district, designated by the department as a career-technical planning district CTPD, or designated to provide primary career-technical education leadership within a CTPD composed of a group of districts, community schools assigned to the CTPD, and STEM schools assigned to the CTPD. The lead district is charged with the responsibility of approving or disapproving each career-technical education program within the CTPD based on requirements that are specified in rules adopted by the department. Any disapproval is appealable to the department. The approvals generally are for a period of five years, and any such approvals must be completed by March 1 in the year prior to the operation of the program in order to permit ODE to issue its approval by May 15.






The State Superintendent may approve or disapprove a program submitted after the deadline but only after consulting with the lead

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